My Super Cyber Safety Kahoot

My Super Cyber Safety Kahoot

As part of our unit on Communicating Through Technology, I was challenged to create a Kahoot, consisting of 10 questions and answers. 

The purpose of the Kahoot was for me to reflect on, and show what I have learnt about Cyber Safe Behaviours. 

My quiz has been designed to help challenge the thinking of another primary aged student.

Below are some screen captures of sample questions taken from my Kahoot quiz

I am proud of this question and set of answers because lots of people get tricked and click being safe at school or being nice to your friends. I also think its got a bit of humour when I added the incorrect answer “none of my business”. 🙂

I believe this question and set of answers is the most challenging because there is two questions that say being safe. Only a few people I saw got this correct.

I believe the image linked to the question 3 is the most powerful because it tells them being safe online is important and cyber safety means that you’re using technology wisely.

I found this Kahoot Quiz challenge easy and lots of fun because it was the first time I made a Kahoot. I was very excited. Then I got to play it with my friends!

Signing out,


Awesome Avatars

Hi, my name is Erkut. I’ll be talking about

Firstly, an avatar is a character that represents something or someone. An avatar is a cartoon version of yourself. Your avatar doesn’t have to be exactly like you, it only has to represent you roughly.

 Secondly, if you were to upload a real photo of yourself, people could track you and your identity and hack you in different ways. If you were to upload a avatar, they would not be able to steal your information. Make sure you only upload a avatar of you. 

I am smiling in the photo because I smile in real photo graphs. I have brown hair as shown and brown eyes. Personally, I think the background looks cool. 

I wonder why you think avatars are a good idea?  

 Thanks for reading, and please comment!

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